For its part, the Bank of Japan is under pressure to be even more explicit and forceful. 而日本央行面临巨大压力,必须更加明确和强势。
The European Central Bank is acting with the United States Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank. 欧洲中央银行与美联储,英格兰银行,日本银行和瑞士国家银行一起采取了行动。
In 2009, the Bank of Japan conducted a public survey on deflation. 2009年,日本央行(BoJ)就民众对通缩的态度进行了一次民意调查。
That in turn should help the Bank of Japan by increasing price pressures. 通过加大价格压力,应会对日本央行(BankofJapan)有所帮助。
The data could also strengthen speculation for additional monetary stimulus by the Bank of Japan. 上述数据可能还会让人们进一步猜测日本央行(BankofJapan)将推出额外的货币刺激政策。
The Bank of Japan has held an emergency meeting amid growing concern about the surging value of the yen. 出于对日元价值不断增长的担忧,日本中央银行举行了一次紧急会议。
That leaves the Bank of Japan itself. 这就只剩下了日本央行(boj)自己了。
The tug of war between the Bank of Japan and the newly installed government led by Shinzo Abe continues. 日本央行(boj)与安倍晋三(shinzoabe)领导的日本新政府之间的“拔河游戏”仍在持续。
If so, more yen selling by the Bank of Japan is surely in the offing. 如果真是这样的话,日本央行(boj)肯定还会继续抛出日元。
The Bank of Japan was established in imitation of the Bank of England in1882. 日本银行是1882年成立的,是对英格兰银行的效仿。
Is note issue in Japan controlled by the Bank of Japan? 日本的纸币发行是由日本银行控制的吗?
The Bank of Japan was right to ignore complaints about higher import costs from some businessmen and politicians. 日本央行(BoJ)忽视一些商人和政客对进口成本上升的抱怨是正确的。
The greatest burden is on the Bank of Japan. 最重的担子压在了日本央行肩上。
Last week, Masaaki Shirakawa, governor of the Bank of Japan, said the appreciation of the yen hurt exports, while the associated stock price falls had a negative impact on capital expenditure and consumer spending. 上周,日本央行(boj)行长白川方明(masaakishirakawa)表示,日元上涨损害了出口,而与之相关的股市下跌,对资本支出和消费者支出都造成了消极的影响。
The Fed, the ECB and the Bank of Japan all have work to do. 美联储,欧洲央行和日本央行都有工作要做。
The Bank of Japan "welcomed" the policy, but did not take any action itself. 日本央行对本次举措“表示欢迎”,但没有采取任何行动。
After the Bank of Japan became the primary supplier of overnight funds to banks earlier this decade, the interbank market atrophied. 日本银行在本世纪第一个十年头几年里成为银行隔夜融资的主要提供者之后,银行间市场就萎缩了。
So far this has not led to panic withdrawals from other banks, because of emergency aid from the Bank of Japan and because of government guarantees to the banks. 至今未导致其他银行的恐慌提款,是由于日本中央银行的紧急援助和日本政府对银行提供的担保。
The principal reason is that the Bank of Japan has intervened in the foreign exchange markets, while the ECB has not. 主要原因是,日本央行对外汇市场进行了干预,而欧洲央行则没有采取干预措施。
In the days since the earthquake, the Bank of Japan has printed trillions of new yen. 自地震发生以来,日本央行已经新印制了数万亿日元。
They have followed the Bank of Japan and taken their short-term policy rates down to the zero bound. 它们纷纷步日本央行(BoJ)后尘,将各自的短期政策性利率下调至近零水平。
The Restructure of the Bank of Japan and the Inspiration to China 日本银行重组及其对中国银行业发展的启示
The Bank of Japan has bought equities and the Swiss National Bank has intervened in the currency markets. 日本银行干脆收购股票,而瑞士国家银行已经干预了货币市场。
Both the Fed and the Bank of Japan have eased monetary policy in recent months. 美联储和日本央行(bankofjapan)都在近几个月放松了货币政策。
The decline in GDP is fuelling calls for more aggressive measures from the government and the Bank of Japan. gdp的下降引发了人们对日本政府和日本央行(boj)采取更积极措施的呼吁。
First, the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan should extend swap lines to all main emerging markets, including Brazil, Hungary, Poland and Turkey, to prevent a drain of reserves. 首先,美联储(fed)、欧洲央行(ecb)和日本央行(boj)应该将互换额度延伸至所有主要新兴市场,包括巴西、匈牙利、波兰和土耳其,以预防储备枯竭。
At the time, the Bank of Japan financed a large fiscal expansion by printing money. 当时,日本央行(boj)通过印刷钞票为大规模财政扩张融资。
So we would hope that the Bank of Japan would underpin the Japanese economy through its monetary policy. 因此我们希望,央行能够通过其货币政策,支持日本经济的发展。